Friday, October 16, 2009

Do you understand people? Do you sometimes feel like you know someone, but then are proved wrong? And you actually don't really know them at all, because they are saying are things you suspect you can never wrap your head around or understand? And it makes you sad and you don't know how to help at all?

Do you know what I'm talking about?

Have you ever been angry with someone who had no idea that you were angry? No matter how you hint?

Friday, October 2, 2009


CAMP Games - edit the objectives
SEND new tee design

IN OTHER NEWS: Our phone is completely wonky. It works for maybe an hour or so, then you have to turn it off then on, to get it working again.
Music like this inspires me to pick up the guitar.

Banana Pancakes - Jack Johnson

None of my friends play it though, and I get uninspired really fast. But since I've played the piano before, picking up another music instrument shouldn't be so difficult right?